On the other hand, we're here a week
before the season starts, so we're missing the summer vacation crowds.
We stayed at an RV resort right on the Narrows, right across from the island, which made for easy access, and a great view! Check out the sundog we saw one evening at low tide.
Most of Acadia is on Mt. Desert Island, which is shaped like a lobster’s claw. One side of the park loop is one-way, and our first day we started down the wrong side first. Not all of the island is park; this little bridge isn't.
We started our hike just getting to the Visitor Center--42 steps up.
Cadillac Mountain isn’t the tallest mountain on the
island, but it’s the most famous. At
1,530' the views of sea level were great.
Bar Harbor and the 5 islands near it were clearly visible: Bar Island, Sheep Porcupine Island, Burnt
Porcupine Island, Long Porcupine Island, and Bald Porcupine Island. (Apparently porcupines swim. Who knew???)
Cadillac Mountain is famous for its pink granite. Smoothed by glaciers into gently rounded domes,
the rock is cracked and pocked with lichen.
Easy to walk on when the sun's shining; easy to fall on when it's wet.
My first impression was Oregon coast meets Glacier
National Park. Instead of the round
haystacks of the Pacific, the granite here is blocky, with lots of straight
angles, hewn by giants to build forgotten walls. After sitting out a couple days of rain, we headed back to MDI (that's Mt. Desert Island—took me several days to figure out!) for a walk on the Carriage Roads. Back in the days of horseless carriages, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who was big into preservation, designed 45 miles of roads through his property. Since he was also into philanthropy, later he donated the land to the park. Now the carriage roads are used for carriages, horseback riding, biking and walking. We saw a few people walking and a few biking--no carriages though.
In 1935 Rockefeller arranged a swap of land on MDI for a chunk he had on the Schoodic Peninsula for the Navy to use as a top-secret radio base. The fascinating building that looks like the gatehouses on MDI was a Navy barracks until 2002. It’s being renovated and will reopen as a Visitors Center.
It was almost high tide when we got there, so the dramatic
waves were as calm as a Saturday matinee performance. But with a little imagination, the waves
crashed impressively against the shore.
And, of course, a visit to Acadia isn’t complete without
a trip to Bar Harbor. Looked like a
sleepy little tourist town now, but apparently cruise ships bring lots of tourists
in the summer.
For more pictures of Acadia, go here.
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