(NOTE: I didn't remember any of this from school; we watched the movie at the Visitors Center and there are lots of signs in the park.)
During the Civil War, both the North and the South wanted control of the Mississippi. Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant was in charge of the Union offense, and CSA Lt. Gen. John Pemberton* was in charge of the defense at Vicksburg, MS. The Confederates were on top of a bluff above the river, and were able to protect their position by shooting down at people. By mid-May, Grant tried two assaults uphill, lost a lot of men, then decided on a siege. After 46 days, the South had a really low morale problem: no hope of reinforcements and 10,000 soldiers were suffering from disease and malnutrition. Pemberton decided to surrender. Good thing he did because the Union soldiers were digging trenches and tunnels to get inside the Confederate fortifications, and in a couple more days they'd have broken through.
Markers are along the lines of "We slept here".
Red plaques show Confederate defenses; blue ones show Union offense. I think tablets have more info than plaques. Maybe...
There are state memorials honoring soldiers who fought at Vicksburg. Some of them are super-impressive, and some seem to be an afterthought.
About halfway, there's a museum for the U.S.S. Cairo, an ironclad ship that was sunk just north of Vicksburg. You can even see where the mine hit it.
It was Junior Ranger Day so we got to see some of the new recruits in training.
Vicksburg National Cemetery has over 17,000 graves (not all from the Civil War). More than 13,000 are unmarked. The Confederate soldiers are buried outside the park.
By the time we started back along the Confederate lines, I was getting a little tired and a little overwhelmed with all the war strategies, so we cut the tour a bit short.
Go here for a slide show of Vicksburg Natl Military Park
*I didn't know this: Lt. Gen. John Pemberton's nephew was the inventor of Coca-Cola.